“Tom’s attention to detail is bar none, his uncommon work ethic is a rare gift, and his vision and commitment to excellence is exceptional.
Along with Tom's undeniable talent to translate concepts into concrete actions, he brings out the best in the people he partners with and serves. Honest, dependable and fiercely dedicated, I confidently recommend him for your next project.”
Ann Voskamp, New York Times bestselling author of One Thousand Gifts and The Broken Way
“I echo what others have said about Tom's professionalism and expertise in all areas of publishing. What impresses me even more, though, is his character. I never had the sense that Tom saw me only as an author or client. We quickly became friends, and he cared as much about my personal life as my professional life. In today's compartmentalized world, that's a rare quality indeed.”
Philip Yancey, Bestselling Author, Spiritual Thinker, Fellow Pilgrim
“Tom Dean is an incredible person to work with. Not only does he know the publishing industry inside and out, he was my biggest advocate and provided the support I needed as a first-time author to navigate the new terrain of publishing.”
Nona Jones, internationally renowned speaker, business executive, media personality and ministry leader
“Tom is a rare person...a strong leader with the highest integrity and character. He makes people feel at ease and has great instincts about the marketplace. He is able to find creative strategies to make connections between authors and readers. His enthusiasm and encouragement gave me the courage to submit my first book proposal and his leadership and collaboration helped the process move smoothly.”
Terri DeBoer, WOOD-TV 8 Meteorologist and first-time author
"I have worked with many people in the publishing space, and Tom Dean stands out as one of the best. He has a combination of insight, professionalism, and kindness that is all too rare these days. Whether you're a solo practitioner or running a large corporation, Tom's services will be an invaluable asset to your business."
Jen Fulwiler, Stand Up comic, bestselling author, podcast host
“Tom has been a friend for many years...he’s one of the good guys in the publishing industry. He knows it well. And can help you move your content creation, book launch, ongoing publishing and overall influence forward.”
Brad Lomineck Founder, BLINC Author, H3 Leadership & The Catalyst Leader
“Over the last 20+ years in publishing, I've worked with many different publishing teams for marketing books. Tom Dean stands out as the best I've ever worked with during more than 70+ projects. His outstanding communication, innovative ideas, and custom approach for each project are remarkable. I cannot recommend him enough as an executive leader and brilliant minded marketer.”
Margaret Feinberg, Author, Popular Bible Teacher, Speaker, Podcaster
"I would have never written my latest book if it were not for Tom's encouraging nudges. In my opinion, all authors struggle with the self-doubt that comes with writing, so having someone who really believes in you and then has the skills, connections, and channels to get the finished product out in the world is what every author needs in their corner. Tom is the best "corner man" in the business!"
Ryan Hall, America’s Fastest Full and Half Marathoner, Coach, Host of the RunFree Podcast
“I’ve had the privilege of working with Tom Dean for ten years on 8 different books. He has always been an innovative marketer, collaborative thinker, and a good friend.”
Craig Groeschel, Founding & Senior Pastor, Life.Church (largest church in America)